Поставьте все типы вопросов к предложению.

The instant success of the spring 1947 collection brought Dior an Oscar and the invitation to go to America.


Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. His sister …cook well.

2. …I take Pete’s bag?

3. You …be joking!

4. There are no busses, so we…to walk.

5. A man…to help his parents when they become old.

6. We …not live without eat and water.

7. …I use your phone?

8. You …not ask for permission, you…use it whenever you like.

9. The pupil …clean the dirty blackboard.

10. The children…not play on the road.


Перепишите предложения в прошедшем времени, обращая внимание на согласование времён, и переведите на русский язык.

1. She asks me where it is situated.

2. He asks her when the train arrives.

3. He asks her why she is leaving so soon.

4. We ask them how it has happened.

5. The policeman asks what the matter is.

6. He asks which of us can explain it.

7. The doctor asks me when I have caught cold.

8. She promises she will call us the following day.

9. Mike tells me she will be there soon.

10. I hope he will not come.

Переведите предложения из прямой речи в косвенную и переведите на русский язык.

1. The manager said to the interviewers: “The construction has been completed in time.”

2. He said: “The old equipment will be replaced.”

3. He said: “I’m absolutely sure!”

4. “How much time is left?” he asked.

5. “What are you looking for?” he asked the boy.

6. She asked: “How far is the bus stop?”

7. “Do you agree with me?” he asked us.

8. “Is the game worth the candle?” he asked.

9. He advised: “Take the umbrella.”

10. He said: “Don’t ask me this silly question.”


Вставьте частицу «to» перед инфинитивом, где необходимо и переведите на русский язык.

1. You had better…hurry up.

2. I’d rather …stay at home.

3. I want…have a rest.

4. What made him…come?

5. They heard him…sing a song.

6. He saw his friend …post a letter.

7. I like…read.

8. I’m ready…answer.

9. I have traveled many countries …reach you.

10. They wished their children…become doctors.


Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на герундий.

1. I like shopping.

2. He began playing the piano.

3. He stopped smoking.

4. He forgot telling me about you.

5. Talking with you is real pleasure.

6. We like playing tennis.

7. Her task was looking after small children.

8. My brother’s coming upset all my plans.

9. Reading books is always useful.

10. I don’t like walking slowly.


Раскройте скобки, используя глагол в нужной форме страдательного залога. Переведите предложения.

1. Usually I (pay) my salary twice a month.

2. He always (laugh at).

3. Dr Johnson (interview) at the moment.

4. The problems of the family usually (discuss) briefly at dinner time.

5. While my friend was talking to me, his wallet... (steal).

6. If someone reports you to the police, you … (make) to pay a big fine.

7. The door opened and a young lady came in. It should be admitted that the door … (open) by herself.

8. Nick (invite) to the conference last week.

9. Our mother already (give) a present.

10. His new book (finish) by next year.


Часть 2.

1. Ответьте на вопросы несколькими предложениями

1. What can you tell about your family?

2. What sort of man is your friend?

3. What is your hobby?

4. How do you spend your weekends?

5. Have you got a flat or a house of your own?

6. Can you describe it?

7. What is the role of sports in the life of people?

8. What is your favourite kind of sport? Why?

9. What kinds of sports are popular in Britain?

10. What kinds of art do you know?

11. Where do you like to spend your holidays?

12. Why do you think so many people like travelling?

13. Have you ever been abroad?

14. What kinds of public transport do you know? Which do you prefer?

15. What is you favourite holiday?

16. What are the most important public holidays in Great Britain?

17. What do you prefer to read?

18. What kinds of books do you know?

19. Who are your favourite modern authors?

20. What qualities do you most admire in people?

21. What characteristics annoy you most in people?

22. What are your future plans?

23. Why did you decide to study at our college?

24. What professions do you know?

25. What is the main role of mass media?

26. What are the advantages of the Internet?

27. Do you like watching TV?

28. What TV programmes are most popular with young people?

Прочитайте текст, переведите на русский язык. Выпишите в тетрадь незнакомые слова с транскрипцией и переводом. Подготовьте текст на чтение и устный перевод.

A Short History of Hair

Over thousands of years some very odd things have been done to hair. Here are some of them.

It's strange to think of tough soldiers having their hair curled, but that's what the Persians did over 2000 years ago. The curls were made by twisting the hair round hot rods. Their thick beards and moustaches were curled too.

In about 1150, during the Norman period, women grew hair as long as they could. They spent hours having their hair done in plaits. They wrapped their hair in ribbons and stuffed the ends into metal cases.

In the seventeenth century men and women wore wigs. Wigs could be made from animal hair, someone else's hair or even one's own hair. By 1780, women's wigs had become enormous. They were padded out with pillows, decorated with feathers, ribbons and jewels. It took so long to have the wigs styled that they were worn for a month, and women had a scratching stick to use when they itched beneath the wig.

In the 1940s a blond film star called Veronica Lake started a craze for wearing long hair hanging over one eye. This caused trouble in factories where thousands of women were working for the first time. Women would catch their hair in the machines.

Nowadays people prefer to have different hairstyles. They usually choose if this or that hairstyle suits them. Men and women both have long and short hair.

There are some young people who have incredible hairstyles. They are punks. Today they are part of London's tourist scene.

In American English the word punk is often used to describe someone who is immoral and worthless. In Britain the word was borrowed to describe a new group of people who first appeared in the early 1970s. They were mixture of art students, hippies and followers of fashion who rejected conventional styles of dress. They were fans of loud, fast and violent tuneless music, which tried to shock with violent lyrics, and their hair and clothing did the same.

In the days before hair gel they used everything to make their hair stiff. Sugar, toothpaste, washing-up liquid, butter, oil, glue were all used. The clothes were also "DIY" and punks spent hours tearing their jeans and jackets and creating the punk look with safety pins, studs, paper clips and everything they could find.

By 1977 punk music was at the top of the hit parade and the punk "look" was high fashion. Fashion designer Zandra Rhodes produced a collection of clothing based on the punk look, and you could have your hair done in punk styles in hairdressers all over Britain.

Today's haircuts are far more exaggerated and colourful than anything that existed during the early punk era. These haircuts have been created for American cameras, and punk rockers are one of the few youth movements to have sold themselves in this way. The original violent movement, which changed the way many people looked and felt, is a thing of the past.



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